Sunday, May 1, 2011

In Memoriam

On this day of beatification of Blessed Pope John II, let us also remember his predecessors who allowed him to (in the human order of things) become Pope in the first place. Let us remember Blessed Pope John XXIII of happy memory who raised him to the episcopate, Pope Paul VI of happy memory who outlined many of the themes of Vatican II, and Pope John Paul I of happy memory whose extremely brief term set up the election of Blessed Pope John Paul II of happy memory. Let us thank God for all of these men, all of whom have their honorable place in history of the Roman Catholic Church and the legacy of Blessed Pope John Paul.

Monday, April 25, 2011

A little bit of nothing

It has been a long time since I've created a blog entry. I thought I would start by creating an entry using Dragonspeak. I am dictating this entry. I thought I would write something to fill the Void. See you soon.